
The compact Spennare

The roll-up Penta, new product of our supplier SPENNARE, gives a nice remodel in quality for the offer of roll-up in the market. This innovative and designed product is a unique offer in rigidity and compact like no other on the classical roll-up. The structure is in the shape of a pentagon with 5 faces.

Détails techniques

  • Format : 85 x from 160 to 220 cm
  • Available in 5 formats :
    60, 85, 100, 125 and 150 cm
  • Height ajustable till 2 m 20
  • Adjustable telescopic pole lightest in market (2,9 kg)
  • Carter design
  • Pole snap 100 % plate
  • Visual can be exchanged
  • Reinforced cover
  • Carter pentagone ultra compact and light (3 kg)
  • Assembly in less than 3 min
  • Transportation bag
logo spennare


Endowed with a telescopic pole adjustable and light, the roll-up Penta goes from 2m to 2,25m, allowing it to mingle easily with a popup stand in your exhibition stand.

The roll-up Penta is a roll-up high end for which S’com Services proposes a printing in high quality premium fire-resistant support, for a realization that will print the same color as the design.

High-end but simple to use, you will appreciate the fast assemble and disassemble of this advertising roll-up. In a few minutes, the roll-up Penta can be in place and can show your advertising message!

To be even more effective, S’com Services recommend your commercial team to take with them a Penta roll-up for their professional meetings, etc.

All of our roll-up

(roll-up, kakemono, totem & store)

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Photocall / Lightbox / Frame
Pop-up stand

s'com services standiste paris

Experts in image-related signage, S’com Services offers portable, modular stands for all your communication and event needs.

Contact us

S’com Services
165 rue Pelleport 75020 Paris
Tel : 01 43 66 84 06
Fax : 01 34 29 60 57
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